CRICO Insights: July 2019

Residents: Top Reasons to Call Your Attending!

Communication breakdowns between residents and attendings are a key contributing factor in med mal cases involving physicians in training. Residents can help avoid patient harm by immediately reaching out to attendings when there are key changes in a patient’s condition. For example:

Hospital admission

Unplanned emergency procedures

Cardiac arrest

Significant neurological changes

Major wound complications

These—and other—triggers were originally identified for surgical residents, but residents and attendings in all specialties can benefit. learn more.


Batter Up: Tips for MD Defendants

Courtrooms often induce serious mental and, yes, physical discomfort for physicians. Judge Zobel (ret.) offers advice from the other side of the bench. See the ball. Hit the ball.


What to Know About Genetic Testing

Do you know if an asymptomatic patient should get genetic testing? Dr. David Einstein traces how family history and other clues can guide cancer screening and management. What matters?


Diagnosis of Aortic Dissection Delayed by Mismanagement of Imaging Orders

In the ED for acute severe epigastric pain, the patient suffered hypoxic brain injury and spinal paraplegia. What went wrong?


When Things Go Wrong for Residents

Residents are held to the same legal standards as attending physicians—and they do get named in malpractice claims and suits. Our data shows where slip ups are most common...


Risks in General Medicine: Contributing Factors

What factors lead to harm in cases where patients sued for malpractice? We examined nearly 8,000 general medicine cases to find out. What’s your risk?

Latest News from CRICO

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    Diagnostic Errors Linked to Nearly 800,000 Deaths or Cases of Permanent Disability in U.S.

    CRICO in partnership with Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute Center for Diagnostic Excellence, conducted a study that indicates misdiagnosis of disease or other medical conditions leads to hundreds of thousands of deaths and permanent disabilities each year in the U.S.

    Burden of Serious Harms from Diagnostic Error in the USA

    New analysis of national data by a multidisciplinary research team from the Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute Center for Diagnostic Excellence and CRICO, found that across all clinical settings, an estimated 795,000 Americans die or are permanently disabled by diagnostic error each year.

    In the Wake of a New Report on Diagnostic Errors SIDM Invites Collaboration and Policy Action

    A new report by CRICO and Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute Center for Diagnostic Excellence provides the first national estimate of permanent morbidity and mortality resulting from diagnostic errors across all clinical settings. The Society to Improve Diagnosis in Medicine (SIDM) works to raise awareness of the burden of diagnostic error as a major public health issue and calls for collaboration and policy action on the issue.
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