Residents, Cancer Screening, Non-physician Clinicians, and more
Jul 15, 2015
CRICO Insights: July 2015
Are Attendings Liable for Residents’ Negligence? Is the attending physician for an inpatient legally responsible for all the care provided by the clinical team while a patient is in the hospital? Learn more | |
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Triggers for Resident-to-Attending Communication The “triggers” card sends a clear message to the house staff: the attendings want to know what is going on with their patients—they want the phone call, day or night. Learn more | |
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CASE STUDY Inadequate Management of a Breast Lump Inadequate patient assessment is a contributing factor in 39% of ambulatory cases alleging a diagnostic failure. Learn more | |
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PODCAST EXPERT INTERVIEW Residents Just as Liable as Attendings Residents often mistakenly assume they can’t be sued if they followed their superior’s care plan, but a Boston attorney sets them straight. Learn more | |
Your Teammates at Risk 2,323 CRICO cases were closed 2005–14. Of those, 384 cases involved 642 non-physician employees.