The ABCs of Patient Safety
Nov 29, 2014
I-PASS, which the group at BCH modeled after SBAR, might reduce a key MPL risk identified by the IOM.
Perhaps only the United States military is more acronymistic than health care, and much that is spoken and written about patient safety employs an alphabetic code that is not always easy to decipher. A scan of the CRICO website, and others that serve as key resources for clinicians and patient safety leaders, reaps a bushel of terms that might not be as simple as ABC. Each of the links below opens up an opportunity to decode a unique niche in the realm of patient safety.
- ACO Accountable care organizations
- AHRQ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- AMC PSO AMC PSO home page
- ANCR Alert Notification of Critical Radiology Results
- APC Advanced Practice Clinicians
- ASHRM American Society of Healthcare Risk Management
- CBS Comparative Benchmarking Report
- CDST Clinical Decision Support Tool
- CME Continuing Medical Education
- CRICO Controlled Risk Insurance Company
- CRIT Comparative Risk Intelligence Tool
- DA&O Disclosure Apology & Offer
- IHI Institute for Healthcare Improvement
- IOM Institute of Medicine
- I-Pass Illness severity; Patient summary; Action items; Situation awareness and contingency planning; Synthesis by receiver
- MITSS Medically Induced Trauma Support Services
- MPL Medical Professional Liability
- NPDB National Practitioner Data Bank
- NPSF National Patient Safety Foundation
- NQF National Quality Forum
- OPE Office Practice Evaluation
- PSDA Plan Do Study Act
- RAP Risk Appraisal and Planning Process
- RCA Root Cause Analysis
- SBAR Situation Background Assessment Recommendation
- SRE Serious Reportable Event
- WTGW When Things Go Wrong
Of course, I can’t list them all, and maybe left out some you commonly encounter. If so, let me know ASAP.
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Latest News from CRICO
Get all your medmal and patient safety news here.
Characterizing Malpractice Cases Involving Emergency Department Advanced Practice Providers, Physicians in Training, and Attending Physicians
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center’s emergency department experts collaborated with CRICO patient safety experts to co-author this study that was published in the Academic Emergency Medicine journal.
The Patient Safety Adoption Framework: A Practical Framework to Bridge the Know-Do Gap
CRICO Grants
Many patient safety initiatives fail to be adopted and implemented, even when proven effective. This creates the well-recognized know-do gap—which occurs when health care workers know what should be done based on evidence vs. what takes place in practice. To address this issue, CRICO funded the development of a patient safety adoption framework and had it evaluated by leaders in quality and safety. The framework and its findings were published online in the Journal of Patient Safety in April 2023.
Postpartum Malpractice Claims: Can We Understand Preventable Harms and Socioeconomic Factors?
Candello Member
In a multifactorial study, The Doctors Company (a Candello member organization) investigated postpartum claims to develop clinical recommendations to decrease the risks of postpartum morbidity and mortality.
Diagnostic Errors Linked to Nearly 800,000 Deaths or Cases of Permanent Disability in U.S.
CRICO in partnership with Johns Hopkins Armstrong Institute Center for Diagnostic Excellence, conducted a study that indicates misdiagnosis of disease or other medical conditions leads to hundreds of thousands of deaths and permanent disabilities each year in the U.S.