Katherine Zigmont, BS, RN, CPPS, is a Clinical Program Specialist at CRICO in the Patient Safety Department.
Content from Kathy
See content written by Kathy Zigmont.
Fire in the OR
Case Study
The risk of an operating room fire should be assessed in the holding area, as well as early in the time out checklist.
Patient Safety Guidance for the Virtual Visit
At the request of its membership, the AMC PSO convened the Virtual Care Task Force to offer guidance for patient safety experts in their efforts to provide the safest possible care to patients through a virtual platform.
Multiple Amputations Follow Prolonged ED Stay
Case Study
A 34-year-old male suffered complications of untreated pyelonephritis, including sepsis and multiple amputations, after spending 17 hours in the Emergency Department (ED).
Misinterpretation of CT Scan Delays Stroke Diagnosis
Case Study
A misinterpretation of a stat CT scan result and a lack of communication between providers delays an unresponsive woman’s stroke diagnosis.