Report of the Evidence on Health IT Safety and Interventions -- Final Report
May 01, 2016
The ONC report examines the most recent evidence in the rapidly expanding health IT field. This broad survey identifies gaps in research; encourages the development or refinement of existing tools or interventions that could enhance the safety and safe use of health IT; highlights information about the types, frequency and severity of safety events, issues related to usability and interoperability, and tools and interventions that can improve safety.
Citation for the Report:
Graber ML, Johnston D, Bailey R; for US Department of Health and Human Services Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology. Report of the evidence on health IT safety and interventions and goals and priorities for health care organizations to improve safety using health IT. Final report. Research Triangle Park, NC: RTI International. May 2016. RTI Project Number 0212050.042.001.002.