This study consisted of a program orientation to address families’ expectations about program participation, as well as screening and support for significant psychosocial stressors and behavioral and mental health problems that might pose barriers to successful initial participation. This report describes the impact of this multifaceted QI project in a large and diverse referral program for overweight and obesity in children and adolescents. Ian Zenlea, MD, a 2012–2014 fellow of the CRICO supported HMS Fellowship in Patient Safety and Quality, conceptualized and designed the quality improvement project, designed the data collection instruments, was responsible for oversight of data collection, and contributed to the analytic design and drafted the initial article on the study.

Citation for the Report

Zenlea, I. S., Milliren, C., Herel, S., Thomaseo Burton, E., Askins, N., Ludwig, D. S. and Rhodes, E. T. (2016), Outcomes from an orientation model to reduce attrition in paediatric weight management. Clin Obes. doi:10.1111/cob.12156

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