Talking with Patients about Other Clinicians' Errors
Oct 31, 2013
The project convened a working group of experts in patient safety, medical malpractice insurance and litigation, error disclosure, patient–provider communication, professionalism, bioethics, and health policy. They concluded: “Transparent disclosure of errors is a shared professional responsibility. Only a collective approach to accountability can fully meet the needs of patients and families after harmful medical errors.”
Read full-text of the article:
Gallagher TH, Mello MM, Levinson W, Wynia MK, Sachdeva AK, Sulmasy LS, Truog RD, Conway J, Mazor K, Lembitz A, Bell SK, Sokol-Hessner L, Shapiro J, Puopolo A, Arnold R. Talking with patients about other clinicians’ errors. N Engl J Med. 2013 October 31. 369(18);1752-57.
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