Protect Providers. Promote Safety.

We support our subscribers from the Harvard medical community in delivering the safest health care in the world.

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Harvard Medical School
Harvard Medical School

Through national partnerships, Candello, established as a division of RMF, pools malpractice data and expertise from professional liability insurers across the country into a database representing one-third of U.S. MPL cases.

Visit Candello to learn more.

Your data can help save lives.

Identify risks. Improve outcomes.
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For the Record: Documentation and Patient Safety

In medical malpractice claims, having a documentation failure as a contributing factor moves the defendant’s chance of winning a case from likely to unlikely.

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Unpack recent malpractice cases to uncover lessons learned, join patient safety leaders for in-depth analysis of safe care challenges, and explore emerging legal and safety issues.
clinician holding a stethoscope in the shape of a heart
CRICO Covers Nurses & APPs
Nurses employed by our subscriber organizations have CRICO medical malpractice coverage.

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Clinical Case Studies

CRICO's clinical case studies are based on actual medical professional liability claims. Our patient safety experts dig into what went wrong, what went right, and what clinicians can learn from the past for a safer future.

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