AMC PSO Publications
Here are the AMC PSO publication pieces
Medication Administration in the Ambulatory Setting
Patient Safety Alert Issue 26: The AMC PSO convened a panel of nursing leaders to review risks in the medication delivery processes in the ambulatory setting and discuss potential interventions aimed at mitigating the risks associated with medication administration.
Patient & Visitor De-escalation
Patient Safety Alert Issue 25: The AMC PSO convened a panel of safety leaders to review recent trends and discuss novel interventions to mitigate the risk for hospital workplace violence, especially from patients and visitors.
Electronic Health Record Risks in the Emergency Department
Patient Safety Alert Issue 27: The AMC PSO convened a panel of Emergency Medicine thought leaders to identify significant areas of concern and to explore potential mitigation strategies for use of electronic health record risks in the Emergency Department
Patient ID Risks & the Intersection of Electronic Health Records
Patient Safety Alert Issue 28: The AMC PSO recently convened a multidisciplinary group of stakeholders across its membership to review and discuss strategies for safer patient identification.